Wear clean clothes / contractor uniforms with no loose items in pockets above waistline.
Remove all exposed jewellery (studs, necklaces, bracelets, watches, earrings and body piercings).
Exceptions: Plain wedding band with no stones and/or Medical alert bracelets.
Remove hair pieces, hairpins, bobby pins and combs. Only plain hair fastenders/headbands may be worn under a hairnet
Wair a hairnet and beard snood, if applicable (stubble greater than 3mm)
Wash your hands on entry to the manufacturing area. This applies also after eating, drinking, smoking, using a handkerchief and visiting the toilet.
Move to the Assembly point located on Wakefield Street on the left side of the driveway.
When working in the production area NOT to wear false eyelashes, nail polish, artificial/acrylic nails or any other nail decoration, your fingernails require to be clean and trimmed. Visitors are not to touch any items in the production area or they may require to wear disposable gloves.
DO NOT eat, chew or spit in the production area. Drinking water in clear bottles is permitted.
DO NOT smoke on site except for the designated area.
DO NOT bring any wooden or mechanical pencils to the production areas. One piece bolt pens are allowed (without lids).
NOT to bring personal food or personal items into the production area; mobile phones may be permitted for work purposes only.